Package-level declarations
An intent that is a holder for a block that acts as this intent's logic. LambdaIntents enable MVVM+ -style declaration of your pro.respawn.flowmvi.api.Store.
A class that creates a LazyPlugin.
A builder class for creating StoreConfigurations.
A class that builds a new StorePlugin For more documentation, see StorePlugin
A no-op SubscriberLifecycle implementation that does not follow the system lifecycle in any way and ignores SubscriptionMode
Alias for ActionReceiver.action for multiple actions
Create a new StoreConfiguration
Alias for ActionReceiver.action
Alias for ActionReceiver.action for multiple actions
Alias for IntentReceiver.emit for multiple intents
Alias for IntentReceiver.intent for multiple intents
An alias for pro.respawn.flowmvi.api.IntentReceiver.intent (LambdaIntent (block))
Build a new StorePlugin using StorePluginBuilder lazily. Plugin will be created upon first usage (i.e. installation). Example:
Build a new Store using StoreBuilder. The store is created lazily, with all its plugins. The store is not launched.
Build a new Store using StoreBuilder. The store is built lazily and launched on first access (i.e. immediately after creation).
Alias for pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.lazyStore
Alias for pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.lazyStore (with a scope)
Invoke handler when the store stops.
Build a new StorePlugin using StorePluginBuilder. See StoreBuilder.install to install the plugin automatically.
Install a new pro.respawn.flowmvi.plugins.reducePlugin that is tailored for LambdaIntents.
Alias for ActionReceiver.send for multiple actions
Alias for IntentReceiver.intent
Alias for IntentReceiver.intent for multiple intents
An alias for pro.respawn.flowmvi.api.IntentReceiver.send (LambdaIntent (block))
Build a new Store using StoreBuilder. The store is created eagerly, with all its plugins. However, the store is not launched upon creation until called "launch", which means, no heavy operations will be performed at creation time.
If your code doesn't compile, you are looking for another overload with three type parameters, i.e: store<_, _, _>()
Build a new Store using StoreBuilder. The store is created eagerly and then launched in the given scope immediately.
Alias for
Subscribe to the store and invoke ActionConsumer.consume and StateConsumer.render in parallel in the provided scope.
Subscribe to the store. An overload of Store.subscribe that is applied on CoroutineScope.
Subscribe to the store and invoke StateConsumer.render in the provided scope.
Create a SubscriberLifecycle by delegating the repeatOnLifecycle method to delegate
A typed overload of StateReceiver.updateState.
A typed overload of updateStateImmediate.
A function that obtains current state and updates it atomically (in the thread context), and non-atomically in the coroutine context, which means it can cause races when you want to update states in parallel.
Update the state if it is of type T, otherwise throw InvalidStateException.
Use the state if it is of type T, otherwise, throw InvalidStateException.