A builder DSL for creating a Store. Cannot be instantiated outside of store functions. After building, the StoreConfiguration is created and used in the Store. This configuration must not be changed in any way after the store is created through circumvention measures.
initial state the store will have.
Create a new loggingPlugin that prints using android's Log.
Installs a new awaitSubscribersPlugin
Creates and installs a new CachedValue, returning a delegate that can be used to get access to the property that was cached. Please consult the documentation of the parent class to understand how to use this plugin.
Adjust the current StoreConfiguration of this Store.
Installs a new disallowRestartPlugin. Please consult the docs of the parent function to learn more. This plugin can only be installed only once.
Install a new loggingPlugin.
Alias for install
Create and install a new StorePlugin. Please see documentation for the other overload for more details.
Install StorePlugins. See the other overload to build the plugin on the fly. This installs prebuilt plugins.
Create and install a new plugin that uses JobManager to manage running jobs. The plugin will cancel all running jobs if the store is closed.
Install a new parentStorePlugin. This overload does not collect the parent store's actions.
Install a new parentStorePlugin.
Install a new pro.respawn.flowmvi.plugins.reducePlugin that is tailored for LambdaIntents.
Creates and installs a new savedStatePlugin.
Create a new TimeTravel and installs it. Keep a reference to the returning value to use its properties.
Create a new TimeTravel and installs it. Keep a reference to the object to use its properties.
Create and install a new whileSubscribed plugin. See the parent's function docs for more info.