
interface Store<out S : MVIState, in I : MVIIntent, out A : MVIAction> : ImmutableStore<S, I, A> , IntentReceiver<I> , AutoCloseable

A central business logic unit for handling MVIIntents, MVIActions, and MVIStates. Usually not subclassed but used with a corresponding builder (see A store functions independently of any subscribers, has its own lifecycle, can be stopped and relaunched at will. The store can be mutated only through MVIIntent. Store is an IntentReceiver and can be closed to stop it.



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abstract val name: String?

The name of the store. Used for debugging purposes and when storing multiple stores in a collection. Optional and configured through a pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.StoreBuilder

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abstract val state: S

Obtain the current state in an unsafe manner. This property is not thread-safe and parallel state updates will introduce a race condition when not handled properly. Such race conditions arise when using multiple data streams such as Flows.


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expect abstract fun close()
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inline suspend fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> ImmutableStore<S, I, A>.collect(crossinline consume: suspend Provider<S, I, A>.() -> Unit)

Subscribe to this store and suspend until consume finishes (which should never return). This means the function will suspend forever.

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abstract suspend fun emit(intent: I)

Alias for intent with one difference - this function will suspend if pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.StoreBuilder.onOverflow permits it.

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inline suspend fun <I : MVIIntent> IntentReceiver<I>.emit(vararg intents: I)

Alias for IntentReceiver.emit for multiple intents

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abstract operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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abstract override fun hashCode(): Int
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abstract fun intent(intent: I)

Send an intent asynchronously. The intent is sent to the receiver and is placed in a queue. When IntentReceiver is available (e.g. when the Store is started), the intent will be processed. Intents that overflow the buffer will be handled according to the behavior specified in pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.StoreBuilder.onOverflow. If the store is not started when an intent is sent, it will wait in the buffer, and will be processed once the store is started.

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inline fun <I : MVIIntent> IntentReceiver<I>.intent(vararg intents: I)

Alias for IntentReceiver.intent for multiple intents

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fun <I : MVIIntent> IntentReceiver<I>.send(intent: I)
inline fun <I : MVIIntent> IntentReceiver<I>.send(vararg intents: I)

Alias for IntentReceiver.intent for multiple intents

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abstract fun start(scope: CoroutineScope): Job

Starts store intent processing in a new coroutine in the given scope. Intents are processed as long as the parent scope is active. Starting store processing when it is already started will result in an exception. Although not always needed, store can be launched multiple times, assuming you cancel the job used before or call Store.close.

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abstract fun CoroutineScope.subscribe(block: suspend Provider<S, I, A>.() -> Unit): Job

Subscribe to the store, obtaining a Provider to consume MVIStates and MVIActions. The store itself does not expose actions or states to prevent subscribers from affecting the store and to keep track of each subscription. When subscribe is invoked, a new StorePlugin.onSubscribe event is sent to all plugins with the new subscriber count. For more, see StorePlugin.