
interface ActionReceiver<in A : MVIAction>

An entity that can receive different actions and then possibly emit them as an ActionProvider. Actions are collected by the ActionConsumer. This is most often implemented by a Store and exposed through PipelineContext



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abstract suspend fun action(action: A)

Send a new side-effect to be processed by subscribers, only once. How actions will be distributed and handled depends on ActionShareBehavior. Actions that make the capacity overflow may be dropped or the function may suspend until the buffer is freed.

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inline suspend fun <A : MVIAction> ActionReceiver<A>.action(vararg actions: A)

Alias for ActionReceiver.action for multiple actions

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inline suspend fun <A : MVIAction> ActionReceiver<A>.emit(action: A)
inline suspend fun <A : MVIAction> ActionReceiver<A>.emit(vararg actions: A)

Alias for ActionReceiver.action for multiple actions

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abstract fun send(action: A)

Alias for action with one difference - this function will launch a new coroutine to send the intent in background.

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inline fun <A : MVIAction> ActionReceiver<A>.send(vararg actions: A)

Alias for ActionReceiver.send for multiple actions