inline fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> ImmutableContainer<S, I, A>.lazyStore(initial: S, scope: CoroutineScope, mode: LazyThreadSafetyMode = LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED, crossinline configure: BuildStore<S, I, A>): Lazy<Store<S, I, A>>
Alias for pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.lazyStore (with a scope)
inline fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> ImmutableContainer<S, I, A>.lazyStore(initial: S, mode: LazyThreadSafetyMode = LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED, crossinline configure: BuildStore<S, I, A>): Lazy<Store<S, I, A>>
Alias for pro.respawn.flowmvi.dsl.lazyStore
inline fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> lazyStore(initial: S, mode: LazyThreadSafetyMode = LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED, crossinline configure: BuildStore<S, I, A>): Lazy<Store<S, I, A>>
Build a new Store using StoreBuilder. The store is created lazily, with all its plugins. The store is not launched.
inline fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> lazyStore(initial: S, scope: CoroutineScope, mode: LazyThreadSafetyMode = LazyThreadSafetyMode.SYNCHRONIZED, crossinline configure: BuildStore<S, I, A>): Lazy<Store<S, I, A>>
Build a new Store using StoreBuilder. The store is built lazily and launched on first access (i.e. immediately after creation).