
class JobManager<K : Any>

An entity that manages running jobs. Used with jobManagerPlugin and manageJobs. Will cancel and remove all jobs if the parent pro.respawn.flowmvi.api.Store is closed


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Returns a read-only view of the currently active jobs.

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Returns true if this manager has any active jobs, false otherwise.


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fun cancel(key: K): Job?

Cancel a job with the specified key

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fun cancelAll()

Cancels all jobs without suspending

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suspend fun cancelAndJoin(key: K): Job?

Cancel and join a job for key if it is present

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suspend fun cancelAndJoinAll()

Cancels all jobs in parallel and then joins them all sequentially

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operator fun get(key: K): Job?

Get a job for the specified key.

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operator fun invoke(key: K, job: Job)

Alias for set and put.

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suspend fun join(key: K): Job?

Join the job for key if it is present.

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suspend fun joinAll()

Joins all jobs sequentially

suspend fun joinAll(vararg keys: K)

Joins all jobs specified in keys in the declaration order

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fun put(key: K, job: Job)

Put a job into the container and throw IllegalArgumentException if the job with the same key is already running.

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fun putAll(vararg jobs: Pair<K, Job>)

Put all jobs into the storage.

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suspend fun putOrReplace(key: K, job: Job): Job?

Put a job into the container and call Job.cancelAndJoin if one already exists there.

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operator fun set(key: K, value: Job)

Alias for put. Will throw if a job with the same key already exists.

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fun start(key: K): Job?

Start the job with key if it is present.