Package-level declarations


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fun interface ActionConsumer<in A : MVIAction>

An interface for entities that can consumes. This interface is mainly implemented by Store

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interface ActionProvider<out A : MVIAction>

An entity that can provide MVIActions through the actions flow. This flow may behave differently depending on ActionShareBehavior chosen. This is mainly implemented by the Store and exposed through Provider (Store.subscribe)

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interface ActionReceiver<in A : MVIAction>

An entity that can receive different actions and then possibly emit them as an ActionProvider. Actions are collected by the ActionConsumer. This is most often implemented by a Store and exposed through PipelineContext

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sealed interface ActionShareBehavior

An class representing how MVIAction sharing will be handled in the ActionProvider. There are 4 possible behaviors, which will be different depending on your use-case. When in doubt, use the default one, and change if you have issues.

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A consumer of Store's events that has certain state S. Each Consumer needs a container, a way to emit intents to it, a way to render the new state.

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A simple class that delegates to the store property.

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Marker annotation for store apis that are not thread-safe

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data object EmptyState : MVIState

An empty state for stores that do not have a state.

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Marker annotation for store apis that are experimental.

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annotation class FlowMVIDSL

A DSL marker for the FlowMVI DSL. Defines a contract for calling the DSL functions.

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A simple class that delegates to the store property.

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interface ImmutableStore<out S : MVIState, in I : MVIIntent, out A : MVIAction>

A Store that does not allow sending intents.

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interface IntentReceiver<in I : MVIIntent>

An entity that can receive and process MVIIntents. Usually, this is a Store.

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Marker annotation for store apis that are not thread-safe

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fun interface LazyPlugin<S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction>

A plugin that is build lazily at the time of Store creation.

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interface MVIAction

A single, one-shot, side-effect of processing an MVIIntent, sent to ActionConsumer, processed by ActionProvider and handled by ActionReceiver.

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interface MVIIntent

User interaction or other event that is sent to and processed by IntentReceiver.

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interface MVIState

The state of the StateProvider, most likely a Store. States updates are sent to the StateReceiver and consumed by the StateConsumer.

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PipelineContext is an entity that exposes the underlying logic of the Store to its StorePlugins.

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An entity that handles MVIIntents, produces actions and manages states. Provider is available when you call Store.subscribe and allows you to consume your states and actions Provider is a:

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fun interface StateConsumer<in S : MVIState>

An entity that can render states coming from a StateProvider. Most likely, a subscriber of the Store.

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interface StateProvider<out S : MVIState>

An entity that exposes states and allows StateConsumers to subscribe to them. Most often accessed through a Store as a Provider.

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interface StateReceiver<S : MVIState>

An entity that handles MVIState updates. This entity modifies the state of the StateProvider. This is most often implemented by a Store and exposed through PipelineContext.

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interface Store<out S : MVIState, in I : MVIIntent, out A : MVIAction> : ImmutableStore<S, I, A> , IntentReceiver<I> , AutoCloseable

A central business logic unit for handling MVIIntents, MVIActions, and MVIStates. Usually not subclassed but used with a corresponding builder (see A store functions independently of any subscribers, has its own lifecycle, can be stopped and relaunched at will. The store can be mutated only through MVIIntent. Store is an IntentReceiver and can be closed to stop it.

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data class StoreConfiguration<S : MVIState>(val initial: S, val allowIdleSubscriptions: Boolean, val parallelIntents: Boolean, val actionShareBehavior: ActionShareBehavior, val intentCapacity: Int, val onOverflow: BufferOverflow, val debuggable: Boolean, val coroutineContext: CoroutineContext, val logger: StoreLogger, val atomicStateUpdates: Boolean, val name: String?)

A configuration of the Store. Please see StoreConfigurationBuilder for details on the meaning behind the properties listed here

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A unit that can extend the business logic of the Store. All stores are mostly based on plugins, and their behavior is entirely determined by them.

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A subscriber lifecycle is the lifecycle of the UI element used to subscribe to the store. This is usually the "screen"'s lifecycle. The lifecycle implementation must follow the SubscriptionMode contract as described in the documentation.

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Subscription mode of the UI element with a dedicated lifecycle. An implementation of the SubscriberLifecycle must follow the contract outlined for each mode.

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open class UnrecoverableException(val cause: Exception? = null, val message: String? = null) : IllegalStateException

An exception that has happened in the Store that cannot be recovered from. This is either an exception resulting from developer errors (such as unhandled intents), or an exception while trying to recover from another exception (which is prohibited). You may also use this to bypass store plugins handling this particular exception.