Creates and retains a new Store instance built using builder using this InstanceKeeper.
By default, uses a retainedScope instance to launch the store automatically. Provide
to not launch the store after creation.
See store for more details.
Creates and retains a new Store instance built using builder using this InstanceKeeper.
Uses the type of S as the key for the instance keeper
By default, uses a retainedScope instance to launch the store automatically. Provide
to not launch the store after creation.
See store for more details.
Creates and retains a new Store instance provided using factory using this InstanceKeeper.
By default, uses a retainedScope instance to launch the store automatically. Provide
to not launch the store after creation.
Creates and retains a new Store instance provided using factory using this InstanceKeeper.
Uses the type of S as the key for the instance keeper
By default, uses a retainedScope instance to launch the store automatically. Provide
to not launch the store after creation.
Creates and retains a new Store instance provided using factory using this InstanceKeeperOwner.
By default, uses a retainedScope instance to launch the store automatically. Provide
to not launch the store after creation.