
A class which implements a dsl for testing Store.


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open override val actions: Flow<A>
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open override val name: String?
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open override val state: S
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open override val states: StateFlow<S>
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val store: Store<S, I, A>
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val timeoutMs: Long = 3000


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expect open override fun close()
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open suspend override fun emit(intent: I)
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open operator override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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open override fun hashCode(): Int
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open override fun intent(intent: I)
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inline suspend fun <S> I.resultsIn()

Assert that Provider.state's state is of type S

infix inline suspend fun I.resultsIn(action: A)

Assert that intent this results in action

infix inline suspend fun I.resultsIn(state: S)

Assert that Provider.state is equal to state

infix inline suspend fun I.resultsIn(assertion: () -> Unit)

Assert that intent this passes checks defined in assertion

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open override fun start(scope: CoroutineScope): Job
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open override fun CoroutineScope.subscribe(block: suspend Provider<S, I, A>.() -> Unit): Job
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inline suspend fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> Store<S, I, A>.subscribeAndTest(crossinline block: suspend StoreTestScope<S, I, A>.() -> Unit): Job

Call Store.start, then call Store.subscribe and execute block inside that scope. Unsubscribe and stop the store afterwards

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inline suspend fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> Store<S, I, A>.test(crossinline block: suspend Store<S, I, A>.(job: Job) -> Unit): Job

Call Store.start and then execute block, cancelling the store afterwards