
inline fun <T : S, S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> StoreBuilder<S, I, A>.serializeState(path: String, serializer: KSerializer<T>, json: Json = DefaultJson, name: String? = "", behaviors: Set<SaveBehavior> = SaveBehavior.Default, context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, resetOnException: Boolean = true, noinline recover: suspend (Exception) -> T? = ThrowRecover)

Install a serializeStatePlugin.

Please see the parent overload for more info.

See also

inline fun <T : S, S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> StoreBuilder<S, I, A>.serializeState(dir: String, json: Json = DefaultJson, serializer: KSerializer<T>, behaviors: Set<SaveBehavior> = SaveBehavior.Default, fileExtension: String = ".json", filename: String = serializer.descriptor.serialName, name: String? = "", context: CoroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default, resetOnException: Boolean = true, noinline recover: suspend (Exception) -> T? = ThrowRecover)


Please use an overload that explicitly provides a full path

Install a serializeStatePlugin.

Please see the parent overload for more info.

See also