Package-level declarations


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fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> debuggerPlugin(historySize: Int = DebuggerDefaults.DefaultHistorySize, host: String = DebuggerDefaults.ClientHost, port: Int = DebuggerDefaults.Port, reconnectionDelay: Duration = DebuggerDefaults.ReconnectionDelay): LazyPlugin<S, I, A>

Creates a new remote debugging plugin.

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fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> StoreBuilder<S, I, A>.enableRemoteDebugging(historySize: Int = DebuggerDefaults.DefaultHistorySize, host: String = DebuggerDefaults.ClientHost, port: Int = DebuggerDefaults.Port, reconnectionDelay: Duration = DebuggerDefaults.ReconnectionDelay)

Create and install a new remote debugging plugin.