
fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> debuggerPlugin(historySize: Int = DebuggerDefaults.DefaultHistorySize, host: String = DebuggerDefaults.ClientHost, port: Int = DebuggerDefaults.Port, reconnectionDelay: Duration = DebuggerDefaults.ReconnectionDelay): LazyPlugin<S, I, A>

Creates a new remote debugging plugin.

  • This plugin will use the default HttpClient. If you want to use a custom client, depend on debugger-client module instead.

  • This overload will create and install a TimeTravel plugin for you.

This plugin must not be used in production code. Better yet, do not include the debugger-client dependency at all in production builds, because the plugin depends on a lot of things you may not need for your application.