
fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> StoreBuilder<S, I, A>.enableRemoteDebugging(client: HttpClient, historySize: Int = DefaultHistorySize, host: String = DebuggerDefaults.ClientHost, port: Int = DebuggerDefaults.Port, reconnectionDelay: Duration = DebuggerDefaults.ReconnectionDelay)

Create and install a new remote debugging plugin.

  • This overload will create and install a TimeTravel plugin for you.

  • This overload uses a custom client for networking. This client must be configured to correctly serialize and use websockets for connection. See the documentation to learn how to set up the client. If you want to use the default client, depend on debugger-plugin module instead.

  • This overload will throw if the store is not debuggable for safety reasons. If you still want to override this behavior (although strictly not recommended), please use another overload like debuggerPlugin.

This plugin must not be used in production code. Better yet, do not include the debugger-client dependency at all in production builds, because the plugin depends on a lot of things you may not need for your application.