Package-level declarations
Exception representing unsatisfied condition when using errorIf
ApiResult.Error.e's cause
ApiResult.Error.e's message.
ApiResult.Error.e's stack trace as string
Catches Exceptions only and rethrows kotlin.Throwables (like kotlin.Errors).
Maps this flow to an ApiResult.Success value, otherwise throws the resulting error
Throws ApiResult.Error.e, or NotFinishedException if the request has not been completed yet.
Alias for errorOnNull
Run block with a given context, catching any exceptions both in the block and nested coroutines. block will not return until all nested launched coroutines, if any, return. For the other type of behavior, use ApiResult.invoke directly. A failure of a child does not cause the scope to fail and does not affect its other children. A failure of the scope itself (exception thrown in the block or external cancellation) fails the result with all its children, but does not cancel parent job.
Emits ApiResult.Loading, then executes call and wraps it.