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Creating custom plugins

Plugin is a unit that can extend the business logic of the Store. All stores are mostly based on plugins, and their behavior is entirely determined by them.

  • Plugins can influence subscription, stopping, intent handling, and all other forms of store behavior.
  • Plugins are executed in the order they were installed and follow the Chain of Responsibility pattern.
  • Access the store's context & configuration and launch jobs through the PipelineContext receiver.
  • Plugins are highly optimized to conflate any operations not defined, which means you do not need to worry about having too many plugins. The bottleneck will always be the longest chain of callbacks, not the plugin count. If you don't define a callback, then no CPU time is spent on running it and no memory is allocated.

If you want to install a custom Plugin, use the methods of the Store builder:

override val store = store(Loading) {

// install an existing plugin
// ...

// or build on-the-fly
install {
onIntent { intent ->

Creating an Eager Plugin

Plugins are simply built:

val plugin = plugin<ScreenState, ScreenIntent, ScreenAction> {
// dsl for intercepting is available

You can generate a new generic plugin using the fmvip IDE Plugin shortcut.

Lazy Plugins

Lazy plugins are created after the store builder has been run (they are still installed in the order they were declared). This gives you access to the StoreConfiguration, which contains various options, of which the most useful are:

  • StoreLogger instance,
  • Store name,
  • debuggable flag,
  • initial state.

To create a lazy plugin, use lazyPlugin builder function. It contains a config property:

val resetStatePlugin = lazyPlugin<MVIState, MVIIntent, MVIAction> {
if (!config.debuggable) config.logger(Warn) { "Plugin for store '${}' is installed on a release build" }

onException {
updateState { config.initial } // reset the state
  • You can generate a lazy plugin using the fmvilp IDE Plugin shortcut.
  • You may not need to use a lazy plugin because PipelineContext has the config property too. If you miss config in the builder body itself, then use a lazy plugin.

Plugin DSL

Each property of a plugin has a different set of responsibilities and some usage nuances. Here's an explanation of all of them:


val name: String? = null

The name can be used for logging purposes, but most importantly, to distinguish between different plugins. Name is optional, when it is missing, the plugins will be compared by reference. If you need to have the same plugin installed multiple times, consider giving plugins different names. Plugins that have no name can be installed multiple times, assuming they are different instances of a plugin.


If you attempt to install the same plugin multiple times, or different plugins with the same name, an exception will be thrown.

Consider the following examples:

analyticsPlugin("foo") // -> will throw

analyticsPlugin(null) // -> OK

loggingPlugin("plugin1") // -> will throw

loggingPlugin("plugin2") // -> OK, but same logs will be printed twice

loggingPlugin(null) // -> OK, but same logs will be printed twice

val plugin = loggingPlugin(null)
install(plugin) // -> will throw

So name your plugin based on whether you want it to be repeatable, i.e. installed multiple times. For example, the library's reduce plugin cannot be installed multiple times by default.


suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onState(old: S, new: S): S? = new

A callback to be invoked each time updateState is called. This callback is invoked before the state changes, but after the consumer function's block is invoked. Any plugin can veto (forbid) or modify the state change.

This callback is not invoked at all when state is changed through updateStateImmediate, used in withState or when state is obtained directly.

  • Return null to cancel the state change. All plugins registered later when building the store will not receive this event.
  • Return new to continue the chain of modification, or allow the state to change, if no other plugins change it.
  • Return old to veto the state change, but allow next plugins in the queue to process the state.
  • Execute other operations using PipelineContext, including jobs.
  • If the store has atomicStateUpdates, then this block will already be invoked in the transaction context.
  • Avoid calling updateState here, as it will result in an infinite loop!


suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onIntent(intent: I): I? = intent

A callback that is invoked each time an intent is received and then begun to be processed.

This callback is invoked after the intent is sent and before it is received, sometimes the time difference can be significant if the store was stopped for some time or even never if the store's buffer overflows or store is not ever used again.

  • Return null to veto the processing and prevent other plugins from using the intent.
  • Return another intent to replace intent with another one and continue with the chain.
  • Return intent to continue processing, leaving it unmodified.
  • Execute other operations using PipelineContext.
  • Generally, you can send other intents inside this handler, but avoid infinite loops of course.


 suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onAction(action: A): A? = action

A callback that is invoked each time an MVIAction has been sent.

This is invoked after the action has been sent by store's code, but before the subscriber handles it. This function will always be invoked, even after the action is later dropped because of ActionShareBehavior, and it will be invoked before the action(action: A) returns, if it has been suspended, so this handler may suspend the parent coroutine that wanted to send the action.

  • Return null to veto the processing and prevent other plugins from using the action.
  • Return another action to replace action with another one and continue with the chain.
  • Return action to continue processing, leaving it unmodified.
  • Execute other operations using PipelineContext
  • Generally, you can send other Actions here.


suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onException(e: Exception): Exception? = e

A callback that is invoked when Store catches an exception. It is invoked when either a coroutine launched inside the store throws, or when an exception occurs in any other plugin.

  • If none of the plugins handles the exception (returns null), the exception is rethrown and the store fails.
  • If you throw an exception in this block, the entire thread will crash. Do not throw exceptions in this function.
  • This is invoked before the exception is rethrown or otherwise processed.
  • This is invoked asynchronously in a background job and after the job that has thrown was cancelled, meaning that some time may pass after the job is cancelled and the exception is handled.
  • Handled exceptions do not result in the store being closed.
  • You cannot prevent the job that threw an exception and all its nested jobs from failing. The job has already been canceled and can no longer continue. This does not apply to the store's context however.

  • Return null to signal that the exception has been handled and recovered from, continuing the flow's processing.
  • Return e if the exception was not handled and should be passed to other plugins or rethrown.
  • Execute other operations using PipelineContext


suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onStart(): Unit = Unit

A callback that is invoked each time Store.start is called.

  • Suspending in this callback will prevent the store from starting until the plugin is finished.
  • Plugins that use onSubscribe will also not get their events until this is run and no intents will be processed.
  • Execute any operations using PipelineContext.


suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onSubscribe(subscriberCount: Int): Unit = Unit

A callback to be executed each time Store.subscribe is called.

  • This callback is executed after the subscriberCount is incremented i.e. with the new count of subscribers.
  • There is no guarantee that the subscribers will not be able to subscribe when the store has not been started yet. But this function will be invoked as soon as the store is started, with the most recent subscriber count.
  • This function is invoked in the store's scope, not the subscriber's scope.
  • There is no guarantee that this will be invoked exactly before a subscriber reappears. It may be so that a second subscriber, for example, appears before the first one disappears (due to the parallel nature of coroutines). In that case, onSubscribe will be invoked first as if it was a second subscriber, and then onUnsubscribe will be invoked, as if there were more subscribers for a moment.
  • Suspending in this function will prevent other plugins from receiving the subscription event (i.e. next plugins that use onSubscribe will wait for this one to complete.


suspend fun PipelineContext<S, I, A>.onUnsubscribe(subscriberCount: Int): Unit = Unit

A callback to be executed when the subscriber cancels its subscription job (unsubscribes).

  • This callback is executed after the subscriber has been removed and after subscriberCount is decremented. This means, for the last subscriber, the count will be 0.
  • There is no guarantee that this will be invoked exactly before a subscriber reappears. It may be so that a second subscriber appears before the first one disappears (due to the parallel nature of coroutines). In that case, onSubscribe will be invoked first as if it was a second subscriber, and then onUnsubscribe will be invoked, as if there were more subscribers for a moment.
  • Suspending in this function will prevent other plugins from receiving the unsubscription event (i.e. next plugins that use onUnsubscribe will wait for this one to complete.


fun ShutdownContext<S, I, A>.onStop(e: Exception?): Unit = Unit

Invoked when the store is closed.

  • This is called after the store is already closed, and you cannot influence the outcome.
  • This is invoked for both exceptional stops and normal stops.
  • Will not be invoked when an Error is thrown. You should not handle Errors.
  • e is the exception the store is closed with. Will be null for normal completions.
  • You can update the state in the ShutdownContext, but generally avoid relying on thread safety here, as this callback is invoked synchronously on a random thread and in a random context
  • This function should always be fast and non-blocking, and not throw exceptions, or the entire coroutine machinery will fall apart.


fun ShutdownContext<S, I, A>.onUndeliveredIntent(intent: I): Unit = Unit

Called when an intent is not delivered to the store. This can happen, according to the Channel's documentation:

  • When the store has a limited buffer and it overflows.
  • When store is stopped before this event could be handled, or while it is being handled.
  • When the onIntent function throws an exception that is not handled by the onException block.
  • When the store is stopped and there were intents in the buffer, in which case, onUndeliveredIntent will be called on all of them.

This function is called in an undefined coroutine context on a random thread, while the store is running or already stopped. It should be fast, non-blocking, and must not throw exceptions, or the entire coroutine machinery will fall apart. The onException block will not handle exceptions in this function.


fun ShutdownContext<S, I, A>.onUndeliveredAction(action: A): Unit = Unit

Called when an action is not delivered to the store.

This can happen:

  • When the Store's ActionShareBehavior is ActionShareBehavior.Distribute or ActionShareBehavior.Restrict. In this case, depending on the configuration, the queue of actions may have a limited buffer and overflow.
  • When store is stopped before this event could be received by subscribers.
  • When the subscriber cancels their subscription or throws before it could process the action.
  • When the store is stopped and there were actions in the buffer, in which case, onUndeliveredAction will be called on all of them.

This function is called in an undefined coroutine context on a random thread, while the store is running or already stopped. It should be fast, non-blocking, and must not throw exceptions, or the entire coroutine machinery will fall apart. The onException block will not handle exceptions in this function.