Package-level declarations
A Saver implementation that does nothing but invoke the given onSave, onRestore, onException callbacks when the state changes
A DefaultFileSaver implementation that saves a compressed String state to the file system. Usually used as a decorator for JsonSaver
A DefaultFileSaver implementation that saves a compressed String state to the file system. Usually used as a decorator for JsonSaver
A DefaultFileSaver implementation that saves String state to the file system.
A Saver implementation that will transform the given state to a JSON string before passing it to the delegate. It will use the specified json instance and serializer to transform the state. By default it will recover by trying the delegates' recover first, but if deserialization fails, it will throw.
A Saver implementation that saves the given Parcelable state to a handle.
A Saver implementation that saves the specified value of T to a handle. The type of T must be saveable in a bundle, or the framework code will throw. If your state is Parcelable, use the ParcelableSaver instead.