FlowMVI is a Kotlin Multiplatform architectural framework based on coroutines. It enables you to extend your business logic with reusable plugins, handle errors, achieve thread-safety, and more. It takes about 10 minutes to get started.
⚡️ Quickstart:
Version catalogs
flowmvi = "< Badge above 👆🏻 >"
# Core KMP module
flowmvi-core = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:core", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
# Test DSL
flowmvi-test = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:test", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
# Compose multiplatform
flowmvi-compose = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:compose", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
# Android (common + view-based)
flowmvi-android = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:android", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
# Multiplatform state preservation
flowmvi-savedstate = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:savedstate", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
# Remote debugging client
flowmvi-debugger-client = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:debugger-plugin", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
# Essenty (Decompose) integration
flowmvi-essenty = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:essenty", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
flowmvi-essenty-compose = { module = "pro.respawn.flowmvi:essenty-compose", version.ref = "flowmvi" }
Gradle DSL
dependencies {
val flowmvi = "< Badge above 👆🏻 >"
// Core KMP module
// compose multiplatform
// saving and restoring state
// essenty integration
// testing DSL
// android integration
// remote debugging client
🚀 Why FlowMVI?
Usually architecture frameworks mean boilerplate and support difficulty for marginal benefits of "clean code". FlowMVI does not dictate what your code should do or look like. Instead, this library focuses on building a supporting infrastructure to enable new possibilities for your app.
Here's what you get:
- Powerful Plug-In system to automate processes and reuse any business logic you desire
- Create automatic analytics handlers, websocket connections, error handling mechanisms, or anything else once and reuse them throughout your whole project automatically
- Automatically recover from any errors and report them to analytics.
- Build fully async, reactive and parallel apps - with no manual thread synchronization required!
- Create multiplatform business logic components with pluggable UI
- Automatic multiplatform system lifecycle handling
- Out of the box debugging, logging, caching and long-running tasks support
- Debounce, retry, batch, throttle, conflate, monitor, modify any operations automatically
- Compress, persist, and restore state automatically on any platform
- No base classes, complicated interfaces, or factories of factories - logic is declarative and built with a DSL
- Build Restartable, reusable business logic components with no external dependencies or dedicated lifecycles
- Create compile-time safe state machines with a readable DSL. Forget about casts, inconsistent states, and
s - First class Compose Multiplatform support optimized for performance and ease of use
- Use both MVVM+ (functional) or MVI (model-driven) style of programming
- Share, distribute, disable, manage side-effects based on your team's needs
- Dedicated IDE Plugin for debugging and codegen and app for Windows, Linux, MacOS
- Integration with popular libraries, such as Decompose (Essenty)
- The core library has no dependencies except kotlin coroutines.
- Core library is fully covered by hundreds of tests
- Minimal performance overhead, equal to using a simple Channel, with regular benchmarking
- Collect, monitor and report performance metrics automatically (upcoming).
- Test any business logic using clean, declarative DSL.
- Learn more by exploring the sample app in your browser
👀 How to get started?
All you have to do is:
1. Define a Contract:
sealed interface State : MVIState {
data object Loading : State
data class Error(val e: Exception) : State
data class Content(val counter: Int = 0) : State
sealed interface Intent : MVIIntent {
data object ClickedCounter : Intent
sealed interface Action : MVIAction {
data class ShowMessage(val message: String) : Action
2. Declare your business logic:
val counterStore = store(initial = State.Loading, scope = coroutineScope) {
install(analyticsPlugin) // install plugins you need
recover { e: Exception -> // recover from errors
updateState { State.Error(e) }
init { // load data
updateState {
State.Content(counter = repository.loadCounter())
reduce { intent: Intent -> // respond to events
when (intent) {
is ClickedCounter -> updateState<State.Content, _> {
copy(counter = counter + 1)
3. Scale your app
With FlowMVI, complexity does not grow no matter how many features you add. Adding a new feature is as simple as calling a function.
Advanced configuration example
class CounterContainer(
private val repo: CounterRepository, // inject dependencies
) {
val store = store<CounterState, CounterIntent, CounterAction>(initial = Loading) {
configure {
// use various side-effect strategies
actionShareBehavior = Distribute()
// checks and verifies your business logic for you
debuggable = true
// make the store fully async, parallel and thread-safe
parallelIntents = true
coroutineContext = Dispatchers.Default
stateStrategy = Atomic()
// out of the box logging
// debug using the IDE plugin
// undo / redo any operation
val undoRedo = undoRedo()
// manage long-running jobs
val jobManager = manageJobs<CounterJob>()
// save and restore the state automatically
path = repo.cacheFile("counter"),
serializer = DisplayingCounter.serializer(),
// perform long-running tasks on startup
init {
// save resources when there are no subscribers
whileSubscribed {
repo.timer.collect {
updateState<DisplayingCounter, _> {
copy(timer = timer)
// lazily evaluate and cache values, even when the method is suspending.
val pagingData by cache {
// testable reducer as a function
reduce { intent: CounterIntent ->
when (intent) {
// typed state update prevents races and allows using sealed class hierarchies for LCE
is ClickedCounter -> updateState<DisplayingCounter, _> {
copy(counter = counter + 1)
// cleanup resources
deinit {
// and 30+ more options to choose from...
Extend your logic with Plugins
Powerful DSL allows you to hook into various events and amend any part of your logic:
fun analyticsPlugin(analytics: Analytics) = plugin<MVIState, MVIIntent, MVIAction> {
onStart {
analytics.logScreenView(config.name) // name of the screen
onIntent { intent ->
onException { e ->
onSubscribe {
onUnsubscribe {
onStop {
Never write analytics, debugging, or state persistence code again.
Compose Multiplatform Support
Using FlowMVI with Compose is a matter of one line of code:
fun CounterScreen() {
val store = counterStore
// subscribe to store based on system lifecycle - on any platform
val state by store.subscribe { action ->
when (action) {
is ShowMessage -> /* ... */
when (state) {
is DisplayingCounter -> {
Button(onClick = { store.intent(ClickedCounter) }) {
Text("Counter: ${state.counter}")
Enjoy testable UI and free @Preview
Android Support
No more subclassing ViewModel
. Use StoreViewModel
instead and make your business logic multiplatform.
val module = module { // Koin example
viewModel(qualifier<CounterContainer>()) { StoreViewModel(get<CounterContainer>()) }
class ScreenFragment : Fragment() {
private val vm by viewModel(qualifier<CounterContainer>())
override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
subscribe(vm, ::consume, ::render)
private fun render(state: CounterState) {
// update your views
private fun consume(action: CounterAction) {
// handle actions
Testing DSL
Finally stop writing UI tests and replace them with unit tests:
Test Stores
store.subscribeAndTest {
// turbine + kotest example
ClickedCounter resultsIn {
states.test {
awaitItem() shouldBe State(counter = 1)
actions.test {
awaitItem() shouldBe ShowMessage
Test plugins
val timer = Timer()
timerPlugin(timer).test(Loading) {
// time travel keeps track of all plugin operations for you
assert(timeTravel.starts == 1)
assert(state is DisplayingCounter)
Debugger IDE Plugin + App
IDE plugin generates code and lets you debug and control your app remotely:
People love the library:
Ready to try?
Begin by reading the Quickstart Guide.
Copyright 2022-2025 Respawn Team and contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.