Package-level declarations
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typealias DecorateArg<S, I, A, V> = suspend PipelineContext<S, I, A>.(child: StorePlugin<S, I, A>, it: V) -> Unit
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typealias DecorateShutdown<S, I, A, V> = ShutdownContext<S, I, A>.(child: StorePlugin<S, I, A>, e: V) -> Unit
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typealias DecorateState<S, I, A> = suspend PipelineContext<S, I, A>.(child: StorePlugin<S, I, A>, old: S, new: S) -> S?
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typealias DecorateValue<S, I, A, V> = suspend PipelineContext<S, I, A>.(child: StorePlugin<S, I, A>, it: V) -> V?
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This is a builder object for PluginDecorator. It wraps another StorePlugin and implements the StorePlugin interface.
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This class is an (already created) instance of the decorator for a StorePlugin.
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infix fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> StorePlugin<S, I, A>.decoratedWith(decorators: Iterable<PluginDecorator<S, I, A>>): StorePlugin<S, I, A>
Return a new StorePlugin that decorates this
plugin using all decorators.
infix fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> StorePlugin<S, I, A>.decoratedWith(decorator: PluginDecorator<S, I, A>): StorePlugin<S, I, A>
Return a new StorePlugin that decorates this
plugin using decorator
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infix fun <S : MVIState, I : MVIIntent, A : MVIAction> PluginDecorator<S, I, A>.decorates(plugin: StorePlugin<S, I, A>): StorePlugin<S, I, A>
Returns a new StorePlugin with this
PluginDecorator applied to the plugin.